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Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Tips UN

# Jangan mandi, biar pengawasnya ga mau deket-deket

# Nyontek gak papa asalkan dari sumber yang ada cap logo 'HALAL'

# Maju tak gentar, menyontek yang benar

# Jawab soal yg menurut kamu gampang lebih dulu. Kalo semua susah, tabahlah

# Inget jangan lupa boker, biar ga nahan be*ak pas ujian

# Pinjem kantong ajaibnya Doraemon, jgn pinjam ranselnya Dora the Explorer

# Bawa hp 2.. yg 1 jelek yg 1 bagus, kalo disita kasih yg jelek pake yg bagus

# Disaat ragu, perhatikan huruf yang bersinar

# Bawa pensil 2, hematlah waktu dgn menggunakan 2 tangan. Otak kanan untuk tangan kiri, otak kiri untuk tangan kanan (dibalik juga boleh)

# Sebelum UN dimulai lebih baik update status twitter atau facebook dulu minta doa pada teman/Followers

# Pakai celana dalam yg comfort (nyaman) biar gak gelisah

# Jgn lupa minum tolak angin sebelum ujian dimulai, orang pinter slalu minum tolak angin

# Inget! Lingkaran jawaban itu dibuletin, bukan dicoblos!

# Kalo ga bisa jawab pencet bel lalu bilang "PAS

# Jgn terburu-buru ngerjain UN cuma karena pengen nonton Dahsyat, Inbox, DeRings dan sebangsanya

# Kalo bocoran biasa terlalu mahal pilihan bocoran generik, mutu sama,harga lebih murah

# Apapun ujiannya minumnya tetap teh botol Sosro

# kalo ketauan berbuat curang, segera buang semua barang yg nantinya bisa memberatkan persidangan anda! (makan kertas, hapus sms, musnahkan HP)

# Kalo udah gak bisa jawab, lambaikan tangan ke kamera

#Ada baiknya semasa UN, lupain hal2 lain yg bisa mengganggu konsentrasi belajar. Yg punya pacar, lbh baik putusin aja dulu

* Jgn lupa berdoa! Yak, berdoa supaya ortu kamu ga ngusir kalo kamu gak lulus

* Sbelum berdoa, bikin orang2 untuk menzholimi kamu, karena doanya org2 yg terzholimi itu terkabulkan

* Pastikan lembar jawaban yg kalian isi bukan punya teman kalian

* Taburi garam sekitar meja agar pengawas takut mendekat

* Kalo terima paket soal yg mencurigakan, telpon gegana, jangan disiram aer

* Jgn kaget jika menemukan pembalut pd lembaran soal UN. Mungkin itu slh satu cara pemerintah mencegah kebocoran soal

* Kerjakan semua soal UN dlm 5 menit, kemudian keluar kelas. Walau nantinya gak lulus, setidaknya kamu terlihat pintar

* Hancurkan konsentrasi pengawas! Gunakan rok pendek, buka kancing sebatas dada, gigit bibir, pandang mata pengawas dgn muka mesum

* Bawa ulat bulu, sebarkan di kursi ma meja pengawas

* Jgn terlalu sering melihat ke pengawas, karena itu bisa menimbulkan perasaan cinta yg terlarang

* Kalo gak bisa ngerjain soalnya bawa pulang aja bilang ke pengawas buat PR

* Kalo mau nyontek ijin dulu ke pengawas (kalo kamu tipe pelajar sopan)

* Jgn mikirin keluarga yg sedang di sandera perompak Somalia pas lg UN, percayalah pd kekuatan hankam negeri ini

* Siapin diri, siapin hati, siapin tisu, dan siapin uang buat minggat dari rumah. Jaga2 kalo kamu gak lulus

* Bawa 2 kaca spion untuk jaga2 pengawas dari belakang

* Jgn lupa pake seragam sekolah, kalo pake batik dikira jd pengawas

Garam Untuk Kecantikan

Yang kita tahu, garam merupakan bumbu dapur yang penting untuk memasak. Tapi ternyata begitu juga halnya untuk kecantikan kita. Bumbu dapur yang satu ini memiliki banyak manfaat bagi perawatan kulit wajah dan tubuh kita.

Kamu juga bisa kok melakukan beberapa perawatan sederhana dengan garam di rumah. Siapa bilang untuk cantik memerlukan biaya yang sangat mahal?

Mata Lelah
Larutkan ¼ sdt garam dengan ½ liter air hangat, lalu basuhlah larutan air garam tadi pada mata yang lelah. Sedangkan untuk menghilangkan gembung di mata, larutkan 1 sdt garam dengan 1 liter air hangat dan celupkan kapas ke dalamnya. Letakkan kapas pada mata sambil berbaring dan rileks.

Pembersih Wajah
Campur 1 sdt garam dan 1 sdt minyak zaitun di mangkuk kecil. Lalu gunakan campuran tadi sebagai pembersih dengan cara memijatnya lembut di area wajah dan leher. Bahan pembersih ini efektif mengangkat make up dan kotoran tebal. Lanjutkan dengan sabun cuci muka, lalu bilas hingga bersih.

Mengangkat Kulit Kering Kaki
Rendam kaki dalam air hangat yang telah dibubuhi segenggam garam. Kemudian urut dan pijat kaki perlahan dengan sikat halus atau batu apung, agar kulit yang kering dapat terangkat. Diamkan selama 10 menit, lalu bilas dengan air dingin dan keringkan. Terakhir, gunakan lotion yang biasa kamu gunakan.

Setelah mandi dan saat kulit masih basah, ambil segenggam garam dan gosokkan secara lembut dan perlahan ke seluruh kulit tubuh. Butiran garam tersebut akan meluruhkan sel kulit mati dan membuat kulit lebih halus.

Merawat Kulit Berminyak
Untuk mengurangi minyak pada wajah, isi botol spray kecil dengan air hangat dan tambahkan satu sendok teh garam. Semprotkan pada wajah, lalu keringkan dengan cara ditepuk-tepuk menggunakan handuk.

Senin, 23 April 2012

A Speechless Message With Deep Feelings

" Both Are Quiet But Have Hundreds Of Things Running In The Mind.. "

Both Are Missing Each other Badly But Want The Other One To Initiate The Conversation..

Both Want To Be With Each other, To Fight, To Argue, To Show Love, But Would Pretend That They Are Fine Without Each other..

Both Want To Meet Each other, But Will Not Say Anything And Wait Silently..

They Would Send Each other Silly Msgs But Would Not Tell That 'Stupid I am Missing U "

This Is Love..
Sometimes We Miss Out On Most Loveable Moments Just Because We Want The Other One To Take The First Step.

Showing Love Might Improve The Situation But Showing Ego Definetely Ruins It ♥

(taken from I Belive That Someone, Somewhere is waiting 4 me just 4 me)

In A Girl's Life... and In A Boys Life...

In A Girl's Life...
-You Meet A Boy.
-He's Exactly What You Wanted.
-You Make Him Your World.
-He Breaks Your Heart In Half.
-He Acts Like he Wants You Back.
-He Makes You Think You Are Worthless.
-You Try So Hard To Get Him Back.
-But, No Matter What, he Will Be Apart Of Your Heart. Forever.

In A Boys Life...
-You Find An Easy Target.
-You Say Everything she Wants To Hear.
-You Have her Wrapped Around Your Finger.
-Then You Change Your Mind.
-You Send HIM Mixed Signals.
-You Make HIM Feel Not Good Enough.
-You Ignore Her.
-&& Then You Sit Back And Watch Her Fall
Apart Until You Find Your Next Victim.
(taken from I Belive That Someone, Somewhere is waiting 4 me just 4 me)

Minggu, 22 April 2012

If She...

If She shouts;
"I Love you..♥' in Public place She Meant It.

-If She Utters;
It over the Phone She Wanted you.
-If She Says It;
In front of Her friends She is Proud of you.

-If She Says It;
In front of Her Parents..; She is Ready for you.

-If She says It;
Inside a Cinema, you are Beautiful.

-If She Expresses It;
During Her Busy Working Hours,

She Constantly Thinks about you.

Mind It People,
Love Is Special in itz Own Way..!
Words are not just enough to Express Love.

(taken from I Belive That Someone, Somewhere is waiting 4 me just 4 me)

When A Girl...

♥ ♥When a girl WALKS for miles to see u....

When a girl SAYS SORRY even though she didn't do anything,..

When a girl CRIES because she still loves/misses u....

When a girl still TRIES TO GET YOU BACK...

When a girl no matter how much YOU HURT HER STILL LOVES YOU...

when a girl STOPS her argument with her guy to SAFE her relationship...

When a girl continously MAKES U FEEL SPECIAL and TRIES TO MAKE YOU HAPPY...

When a girl is upset but DOES NOT tell you as she thinks she is ANNOYING YOU.....

When a girl wants to LEAVE you becaus of your RUDE BEHAVIOUR but she is not able to do...

(taken from I Belive That Someone, Somewhere is waiting 4 me just 4 me)

Who's A Girl? -The Most Beautiful Answer-

A Girl Is The One Who Before
Finding Her Love Says

"My Love Should Be
A Perfect Guy"
"He Should Love Me More
Than I Do"
"He Should Never Let
Me Cry"
"He Should Always
Understand Me"

But After Finding Her

"So What If He Is Not
Perfect Still He Is Best For
"So What If He Doesn't Love Me
Unconditionally, I'll Love Him"
"So What If He Is Not Understanding
Me, I'll Understand Him..
(taken from I Belive That Someone, Somewhere is waiting 4 me just 4 me)


1. When she sees her boyfriend talking to other girls.. and the girl starts flirting...!

2. when her boyfriend and her or texting/instant messaging and the guy doesnt text her/message her bck fast enough...!

3. when her boyfriend has the same class as her and he ignores her and hangs out with other friends...!

4. when she sees her boyfriend checking out other girls while she's with him...!

5. when she has to wait outside the movie theaters looking like a loner while she waits for her boyfriend that's 20 minutes late...!

6. when her boyfriend acts like hes going to break up with her... he doesnt even have to act... its a vibe...!

7. when she holds her hand out for her boyfriend to hold, and he just keeps walking...!

8. when her boyfriend acts like he is going to get her something special and he was just suggesting something... so she has to buy it herself...!

9. when her boyfriend doesnt care abt her 1 week, 1 month, 1 year anniversary. n evrything in between.. they are all special to her...!

10. when she tells her boyfriend she loves him. and he says he loves her back, only because he wants to get into her pants..!

So, Guys.. PLEASE dont do any of these...these are the reasons that can make a girl cry... there are more, but these are the some of the most important...!

Note:- girls add this if u think its sweet.
and guys add this if u would do any of it.
(taken from I Belive That Someone, Somewhere is waiting 4 me just 4 me)

Sabtu, 21 April 2012

30 facts about GIRLS

1. When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't crying, it means she's crying in her heart.

2. When she ignores you after you've done something wrong, it's best to give her some time to cool down before touching her heart with an apology. ---> oh really?

3. A girl can't find anything to hate about the guy she loves (which is why it is so hard for her to 'get over him' after the relationship’s over.) ----> duh? what the...?

4. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind every minute of the day, even though she flirts with other guys.---> :blink:

5. When the guy she likes smiles and stares deep into her eyes, she will melt.

6. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually not sure how to react to them.----> i know how..

7. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go easy on the smiles and stare ok?-----> <_< 8. If you don't like a girl who likes you, break it to her gently. 9. If a girl starts avoiding you after you reject her, leave her alone for a while. If you still treat her as a friend, talk to her. :huh: 10. Girls enjoy talking about what they feel. Music, poetry, drawing sand writing are ways of expressing themselves (which explains why most girls like writing journals).----> oh..really? i don't write journals

11. Never tell a girl that she is useless in anyway.

12. Being too serious can turn a girl off.

13. When the guy she likes calls her for the first time, the girl may act look uninterested during the call. But as soon as the phone is back on the hook, she will whoop with joy and immediately start telephoning her friends to spread the news.---> :lol:

14. A smile means a lot to a girl.

15. If you like a girl, try making friends with her first. Let her get to know you.

16. If a girl says she can't go out with you because she has to study, leave.

17. But if she still calls you or expect a call from you, stay.

18. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask her.

19. Hearing the words "I love you" is a great reassurance to a girl that she is beautiful.---> :huh: wtf?

20. After a girl falls in love with a guy, she'll wonder why she never noticed him before.

21. If you need tips on how to flirt with a girl, read romance stories.--->yeah right.. :lol: ..crap..

22. When class pictures come out, a girl would first check who is standing next to her crush before actually looking at herself.

23. A girl's ex-crush will always be in her memory, but the guy she loves now stays in her heart.

24. Girls love having fun!--> hell yeah

25. A simple 'Hi' can brighten a girl's day.

26. A girl's best friends usually know best what she is feeling and going through.

27. Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to them just to get close to their 'prettier' friend.---> :lol: :lol:

28. Love means devotion, caring and happiness to a girl, in that order.

29. Some girls care about looks, some care about brains, but ALL girls want a guy who will love and care for them.

30. Girls want nothing more than to feel loved. :) :)
(taken from I Belive That Someone, Somewhere is waiting 4 me just 4 me)

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Please Be My Baby (Wonder Girl) eng version

Watching, cause you got me patiently waiting

I think you are amazing baby

It’s okay, you’re worth the wait

But I just can’t take no more

Dreaming, of you every night & I’m praying

Will you hold me tight & just wrap those arms

Around me boy, I really wanna feel you in my soul

Everytime you look in my eyes, I can feel that ya just wanna say

3 little words, it’s not so impossible, then you start walking away

I can’t help it, I’m asking the question, I guess there’s no other way

For you to just tell me right now, so maybe I should say it out loud

Please be my baby

Please be my baby

No, I don’t wanna wonder anymore boy

I gotta hear you say the words, say the words

Make me your lady

Cuz I’m going crazy

I want you & I want the world to know that

I’m your baby & I know you feel the same

talking, do you hear a word that I’m saying

I’m so tired of playing these games with you

I’m so confused

So will you be my baby

Losing my mind while you over there choosing

I don’t wanna ruin this thing we got, like it or not

Whose baby are you wanting to be?

I can’t help it, I’m asking the question, I guess there’s no other

For you to just tell me right now, so maybe I should say it out loud

Please be my baby

Please be my baby

No, I don’t wanna wonder anymore boy

I gotta hear you say the words, say the words

Make me your lady

Cuz I’m going crazy

I want you & I want the world to know that

I’m your baby & I know you feel the same

I can’t help it, when I want it, gotta get it

& it’s you I want,

Maybe it can happen if you let it baby

Cuz I got you on my mind all the time

& when I see you boy, you’re looking fine everytime

If you would make me the only one in your life,

Then I’d be like “SWEET!!!”

& mix a little sugar with the spice

Baby, take a change, romance, roll the dice

What other girl’s gonna ask you something this nice???

Please be my baby

Please be my baby

No, I don’t wanna wonder anymore boy

I gotta hear you say the words, say the words

Make me your lady

Cuz I’m going crazy

I want you & I want the world to know that

I’m your baby & I know you feel the same

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Hormon Cinta

Kalau lagi jatuh cinta, kita bisa merasakan banyak hal. Ada yang lebih semangat, tapi sebagian lagi malah jadi lebih sering melamun dan malas-malasan. Dr. Arthur Arun dari York Psychologist menerangkan bahwa ada tiga tahapan yang kita alami saat jatuh cinta. Gairah Hal inilah yang sering kita sebut sebagai cinta pada pandangan pertama. Di tahap awal jatuh cinta, kita dikendalikan oleh hormon seksual kita, yaitu testosteron pada laki-laki dan estrogen pada perempuan. Hormon inilah yang menyebabkan kita merasa tertarik pada lawan jenis. Ketertarikan Ketertarikan di sini maksudnya adalah rasa yang kita rasakan saat kita benar-benar jatuh cinta. Ada tiga zat yang akan mempengaruhi tubuh kita pada tahap ini. •Adrenalin. Zat ini menaikkan tekanan darah dan bikin jantung kita berdetak lebih kencang. Saat bertemu sama gebetan, zat inilah yang bikin kita jadi berkeringat karena deg-degan dan mulut menjadi kering. •Dopamin. Ini dia yang bikin kita jadi lebih bersemangat. Dopamin bikin energi kita bertambah, nggak gampang capek, dan lebih mudah fokus. Katanya efek zat ini sama dengan kokain.
Zat kimia ini sering dibilang zatnya orang jatuh cinta. Karena mereka lah yang bertanggung jawab saat wajah gebetan muncul terus di kepala kita. Hihihi... Keterikatan Keterikatan kita sama pacar, apalagi kalau sampai bisa berhubungan dalam waktu yang lama, ternyata juga disebabkan oleh hormon, lho. •Oksitosin. Hormon ini yang bikin kita jadi pengin sayang-sayangan sama pacar. Entah itu gandengan tangan, dirangkul, atau hanya duduk dekat pacar. •Vassopresin. Nah, keberadaan hormon ini bikin kita atau pacar, jadi ingin melindungi dan menjaga satu sama lain. Hormon ini juga yang menimbulkan rasa mengabdi dan bertahan dalam hubungan panjang.


Centers of higher education in the United States are variety of institutions with a strong research base and funding that have led them to develop as among the world’s most prestigious institutions which are not only of vital importance to local students from within America but also a great attraction for student around the globe. American universities and colleges are throng by international students, professors and researchers in the pursuit of academic excellence. Public universities, private universities, liberal art colleges, and community colleges all make a significant role in higher education in United States. Colleges and universities in the America are also differential on the basis of their goals like emphasizing a vocational, business, engineering, or technical curriculum while others may emphasize a liberal arts curriculum. Many combine some or all of them. According to an UNESCO report America has the second largest number of higher education institutions in the world, amounting to total of 5.758 with an average of more than 115 existing in each state. The US also has the highest number of higher education students in the world, 14.261.778, that is about 4, 75% of the entire American population.

8 Fakta Unik Soal Tangisan

Salah satunya, orang dewasa menangis rata-rata selama enam menit.
VIVAnews - Menangis lazim digunakan sebagai cara untuk mengungkapkan emosi. Pandangan umum sering menyebut bahwa wanita adalah makhluk yang paling emosional dan paling banyak meneteskan air mata. Tangisan umumnya untuk menunjukkan suasana hati yang buruk meskipun pada keadaan tertentu, juga mengungkapkan perasaan bahagia. Berbagai penelitian soal menangis membuahkan delapan fakta unik, seperti dikutip dari situs Fit Sugar dan C-Health.com: 1. Sebanyak 85 persen wanita dan 73 persen pria mengaku amarah dan kesedihannya berkurang setelah menangis. Selain itu, air mata emosional memiliki komposisi kimia yang berbeda dari air mata yang disebabkan oleh iritasi, seperti karena mengiris bawang. 2. Rata-rata, wanita menangis sebanyak 47 kali setahun sedangkan pria cuma 7 kali dalam setahun. Hal ini disebabkan antara lain karena saluran air mata pria lebih kecil daripada wanita. Sementara lama bayi menangis yang normal antara satu hingga tiga jam setiap hari. 3. Waktu antara pukul 19.00 - 22.00 adalah waktu paling banyak orang menangis. 4. Setiap kali menangis seseorang menghabiskan waktu rata-rata selama 6 menit. 5. Menangis tidak hanya merupakan respon tubuh terhadap kesedihan dan frustasi, tapi menurut para ahli menangis juga menyehatkan. 6. Menangis adalah salah satu cara alami untuk meredakan stres emosional yang berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan. Air mata mengandung hormon prolaktin yang melawan stres. 7. Stres dapat meningkatkan risiko serangan jantung dan kerusakan otak. Menangis dapat meredakan stres tersebut. 8. Menangis dapat menurunkan tekanan darah dan detak jantung dan membuat respon terhadap pengobatan lebih baik. Jadi, tak perlu malu untuk mengungkapkan perasaan dengan tangisan, apapun jenis kelamin Anda. (kd) • VIVAnews