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Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

Doll’s House (Henrik Ibsen) SUMMARY by Ayu

This is a story about husband and wife’s problem. They are Torvald Helmer and Nora Helmer. Trovald has a new job as a manager bank. It makes their finances can be improve.
The story starts when Nora gets back from Christmas shopping. Then, Nora’s old friend comes. Her name is Mrs. Linde. She is a lonely widow and seeking a job from Nora’s husband. Nora asks Torvald to give her a position as a secretary in the bank, and he agrees, as she has experience in bookkeeping. Nora tells to Mrs. Linde about all her secret activities. Nora has a big secret to her husband and she doesn’t want Torvald know it. She has obtained a loan and paying off her debt herself. She forged her dead father's signature in order to illegally obtain a loan. She has never told her husband because she knows it would upset him. At that time, Nora just wanted to save her husband’s life when he was very ill.
Nora and Torvald have a family best friend. He is Dr Rank, a sickly man. And Mrs. Linde has feeling to him. But, Dr. Rank has always been secretly in love with Nora. Actually, Nora is not in love with him, but loves him as a friend.
The problem begins when a bad bank employee named Nils Krogstad who collects the debt payments tries to threat Nora. He knew that Nora is Torvalds’s wife and Nora’s mistake. Krogstad just doesn’t want Torvald become a bank manager. Torvald make him get the sack. Krogstad asked Nora to persuade her husband to giving him a promotion. If Nora doesn’t want, Krogstad will send blackmail to Torvald that Nora has forged her father’s signature to lend a loan and puts it in Trovald’s mailbox.
Shortly, Krogstad send that blackmail to Torvald because Nora cannot help him. When Torvald realizes the criminal act that Nora has committed, he becomes enraged. He berates Nora, calling her a dishonest and immoral woman and telling her she is unfit to raise their children. He says that he will continue to be married to her in name alone.
Mrs. Linde and Krogstad have romantic interest towards one another. And make Krogstad to change his heart and giving apologize to Nora. He regrets his action and he has returned the incriminating papers. Mrs. Linde believes it would be best if Torvald and Nora finally confront the truth.
Torvald takes back his harsh words to his wife and tells her that he forgives her. But, Nora realizes that her husband is not the loving, Torvald only really loves himself. She also comes to understand that their marriage has been a lie. She then decides to leave her husband and her children in order to find out who she truly is.

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

5 ways to say I Love You by Dyan L Gomes

If you were the moon
and I were the sun,
we'd be an eclipse
--together as one.

Words can't explain
how I feel about you
so I'll just say, "I Love You,"
and hope you love me, too.

You are my life, my blood
the only one for me,
without you in my life
where would I be?

When you are not around
it's never the same
there is no love, no joy
just heartbreaking pain.

So if we're close together
or far apart, I'll never forget
how you touched my heart.

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

The Necklace "summary"

This story is about a poor beautiful woman named Mathilde. One day, her husband came home and brought a large envelope. It was an invitation from The Minister of Education and Madame Ramponneau to come for party on Monday. But she would not to come for party on Monday because she did not have good dress and jewels for the party. Then, her husband gave her some money to buy a luxurious dress. But, it was not enough because she did not has any jewels. Her husband suggested her to borrow jewels from Madame Forestier. She chose by herself a diamond necklace and Madame Forestier with pleasure lend the necklace for her. In the party, she became a beautiful woman and everybody told her that she was the most beautiful woman there. She became mad, she dance and drunk at that night. After the party has ended, she went home. When she took off the garments in which she had wrapped her shoulders, she uttered a cry, the necklace was lost. She told to her husband about that, and they tried to find it, but it was never found. At least, they tried to return the necklace. They found same necklace at the Palais Royal and the price was 40.000 francs. Then, they borrowed money from many people and they worked for 10 years to return the money. At the end, Mathilde knew from Madame Forestier that the lost necklace was imitation and the price was only 500 francs.

HAMLET "short story"

On a dark winter night in The Elsinore Castle in Denmark, there is one worried ghost walks around there. Pair of palace guards and Horatio see him. The ghost looks very similar to the late King Hamlet.
And in the palace, there is a lavish wedding between Claudius, brother of King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude, widow of King Hamlet. In the other side of palace, a young prince of Denmark, Prince Hamlet is mourning the death of his father and his mother's second marriage with his uncle. His heart is very sad, and he fells like the most unlucky son in this world. This is very troubling him, and made him act like a madman.
At the same time, King Claudius, the new king of Denmark gets serious problem from Norway. There is a threat of attack from Young Fortinbras. He threatened to attack Denmark, and Denmark should be ready for a great war.
Horatio immediately meets Prince Hamlet to convey that he had met King Hamlet's ghost. Prince Hamlet intends to meet him because he convinces that his father wanted to convey something.
In the dark out of the palace, Prince Hamlet met the ghost of his father. Ghost said that he had been killed by his own brother, Claudius with a very deadly toxin that is inserted into his ear. He's also very sad and hurt by the second marriage of his ex-wife. He wants Hamlet, his son to avenge him. And then, the ghost disappears with the dawn and Hamlet swears revenge.
Claudius and Gertrude worry about Hamlet's strange behavior. They suspect that Hamlet's strange behavior because of his father's death that makes him like a madman. And they decide to employ a pair of Hamlet's friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to watch him. But Polonius, the Lord Chamberlain, saying different things about Hamlet's strange behavior. He says that Hamlet's madness is caused by a deep sense of Hamlet's love to her daughter, Ophelia. Claudius and Polonius plans to spy on Hamlet and Ophelia when they spoke. But they get a different result. Hamlet does not seem to love Ophelia because he actually dared to insult Ophelia.
Hamlet and Horatio have a great planning to prove that Claudius is the murderer of The King. He made a royal drama entitled Murder of Gonzago. In the play, there is a scene where the king's brother killing the king for the throne of the kingdom. When the moment of the murder arrives in the theater, Claudius leaps up and leaves the room. Hamlet and Horatio see his reaction; they agree that this proves his guilty.
Now King Claudius made frightened by Hamlet's madness. He was very afraid that one day Hamlet will kill him. Then he makes a plan to send Hamlet to England for its own security.
Polonius has a plan to eavesdrop on Hamlet's conversation with his mother after the play to hopefully learn more from Hamlet. Polonius has hidden behind a tapestry. Hearing a noise from behind the tapestry, Hamlet believes that Claudius is hiding there. He draws his sword and stabbed to the body of Polonius. Because of his crime, he is immediately sent to England.
As his father's death at the hands of Hamlet, Ophelia’s lover, makes her very sad and also make her crazy. Finally Ophelia drowns in the river and she dies. Polonius's son, Laertes, who has been staying in France, returns to Denmark in a rage. Claudius convinces him that Hamlet is to blame for his father's and sister's deaths. Laertes is very angry with Hamlet and swears to avenge his father and sister. He will kill Hamlet with his own hands.
The cunning Claudius uses this opportunity. He plans to make a sword fight between Laertes and Hamlet. Laertes’s sword tip will be given a deadly poison. He hopes when it comes to Hamlet’s body, will be able to kill Hamlet. He also will provide poison drinks for Hamlet as his second plan.
Horatio and the king receive letters from Hamlet indicating that the prince has returned to Denmark after pirates attacked his ship en route to England. Hamlet returns to Denmark, but before he goes to the place, he attended the funeral of Ophelia. He scrapped with Laertes there and told him that he just loves Ophelia and very loves her.
Back at the castle, he tells Horatio that he believes that one must be prepared to die, since death can come at any moment. He says "To be or not to be".
A Foolish courtier named Osric arrives on Claudius's orders to arrange the fencing match between Hamlet and Laertes. He also announce to Prince Hamlet that he have to fight a duel with Laertes. And Prince Hamlet agrees it.
The fight starts inside the palace. Hamlet wins it in the first round. Claudius asked Hamlet to drink the poisonous drink but instead the Queen Gertrude drinks it so that make her paralyzed and eventually die. Laertes’s sword has pierced Hamlet’s shoulder. Hamlet also manages to paralyze him. Laertes says that Hamlet will soon die and King Claudius is responsible for all of this. He had poisoned Laertes’s sword and Hamlet’s drink that has made the death of Queen Gertrude. Hamlet with his anger towards King Claudius and stabbed him with the poisoned sword. He also coerces him to drink that poisoned beverages. And it make King Claudius can not breathe anymore.
Before dying, Hamlet asked to Horatio, his best friend, that he would die in the highest honor, and Horatio must remain alive to tell this tragic story to everyone. Then, Hamlet closes his eyes forever with a smile in his face.
Young Fortinbras of Norway from Denmark managed to get Denmark easily. He is really appreciating Prince Hamlet with a magnificent funeral.

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Hope is a dream that doesn’t sleep

It doesn’t matter if I’m lonely.
Whenever I think of you, A smile spreads across my face.
It doesn’t matter if I’m tired.
Whenever you are happy, My heart is filled with love.
Today I might live in a harsh world again.
Even if I’m tired, when I close my eyes, I only see your image.
The dream that are still ringing in my ears Are leaving my side towards you.
Everyday my life is like a dream. If we can look at each other and love each other. I’ll stand up again.
To me, the happiness of those precious memories Will be warmer during hard times.
For me, Hope is a dream that doesn’t sleeps.
Like a shadow by my side you always Quietly come to me.
To see if I’m hurt, to see if I’m lonely everyday With feelings of yearning, you come to me.
Even if the world makes me cry, I’m okay. Because you are always by my side.
Like dust, will those memories change and leave? I’ll keep smiling to ease my heart.
Everyday my life is like a dream. If we can look each other I’ll stand up again.
To me, the happiness of those precious memories Will be warmer during hard times.
For me, hope is a dream that never sleeps. No matter how many times I stumble and fall I’m still standing like this.
I only have one heart. When I’m tired, you become my strength.
My heart is towards you forever. So I swallowed the hurt and grief.
I’ll only show you my smiling form. It doesn’t even hurt now.
I’ll always hold on to the dreams I want to fulfill with you I’ll try to call for you at the place I cannot reach I love you with all my heart.